ZANUS TECHNOLOGY - Optimization for everyone

The young enthusiastic team of engineers Zanus Technology from Valjevo, with the help of robotics and hardware, offers innovative solutions for companies to develop and produce mechatronic systems and optimize their propulsion solutions.

These robotics fans, with significant financial support from the European Union, today, can offer a new generation of innovative robotic systems for video production, which will pave the way for production automation.

With the ambition to change the field of production robotics, they developed a conceptual solution - a motorized PT camera head, as a set of production robots, which is intended for studies and production companies. Zanus robots provide maximum flexibility and offer an infrastructure that provides access to the camera's launch system with extremely low latency and high resolution. They can successfully handle requirements that involve very slow or very fast camera movement without the need to change the robot or its parts, so they are used for various types of content, including high-level sporting events. 

"The innovation in our products, unlike everything offered on the market, is that we do not use ready-made electronic products that are general purpose. Instead, we use our expertise from other mechatronic products to develop electronics specifically tailored for tasks in production robotics. In this way, performance and precision are raised, a more compact solution is obtained and the possibility of lower prices adjusted to the wider market", points out Marko Tanaskovic, the leader of the great Zanus team, when it consists of experts, some of whom have received their doctorates abroad, after which they returned to Serbia without fear of failure.

On the way from idea to realization, support through the Matching Grants Programe meant that they significantly accelerate the process of robotics development in order to enable anyone who generates income from video materials to afford a system that improves the quality of each video production, while using different smart software. This type of video production equipment enables direct streaming, camera rental in any part of the world and remote control. The only limitation is having an internet connection. It covers two segments of use, automated but also traditional manual control.

The users of Zanus solutions are primarily foreign companies, but interest from the domestic companies is growing. Domestic companies find an interesting opportunity to get electronics that make their machine intelligent and gives possibility of self-diagnostics.  Also, on the basis of recording parameters and work cycles, it gives the probability of failure of individual parts, and also gives the manufacturer or supplier information, so they could prepare the necessary spare parts in time.

As a relevant player in the production robotics market, Zanus wants to support the growth of the automation market. It is guided by a personal philosophy, that by agile organization of development, courageous application of results from the academic community and persistent experimentation with new methodologies and inventions, innovations in the field of hardware can become accessible and fast. The successful projects that they have realized so far using this philosophy confirm that something like that is really possible.

Direct Grant Agreement - Development of new products and services by SMEs through the commercialization of research, signed between the Innovation Fund and the Ministry of Finance (Sector for Contracting and Financing Programs from European Union Funds), provides funds for continued implementation of the Early Development Program and the Co-financing Innovation Program.

The total value of the Direct Grant Agreement is 4.5 million euros, of which 2.5 million euros are financed from the European Union Pre-Accession Funds for 2014, while 2 million euros are provided from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, from the Ministry of education, science and technological development.

You can find out more about the project at:

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09